Wednesday, May 4, 2016

These things do happen

Josh Stanley
English III

These things do happen

When people think of bad events such as murder, rape, kidnapping, and all those bad things they never believe that it could happen to them. It’s natural human thought process that puts our own personal survival above everything that promotes these sort of events.. The thing is these bad things do happen, but sometimes they don’t happen directly to you. A event like this happened to me. It was a Friday, my Mother, Sister, and myself were at the Coral Ridge Mall waiting for the next opening of a movie. We arrived too late for the previous opening so we decided to wait for the next one which wasn’t for another hour or so. We decided to go walking around the mall to kill time.

As we got near the food court my Mom, and Sister had to go to the bathroom so I stood outside waiting for them. It was around 7:30 P.M. when I heard three loud banging sounds *BANG, BANG, BANG*. At first I was confused thinking someone dropped something in the ice skating rink when everyone started to run, and someone yelled “He has a gun!”. I was then torn at that moment. My Mom, and Sister were still in the bathroom, and since I’m a guy, and they’re not I did not want to enter, but then people started going in the bathroom to get their family members, and then they high tailed it out of there, so I went in to get them as well.

Apparently neither my Mom nor my Sister heard a thing, and they were very confused to why people were running, and to that I said “There’s been a shooting.” my Mom couldn’t believe it at first, so I repeated myself, and with staff directing us, we exited the mall. Later that night we found out a former security guard who harassed another employee got fired, and that he went home grabbed a gun, went back to the mall, and shot the girl he harassed three times killing her. He then left the mall like nothing happened, and was soon arrested.

The moral here is everything, and anything can/will happen to you, and many people feel like such events will never happen to them, and that they’re the exception, but I’m here to tell you that you’re not the exception, no one is. I know that you can’t prepare for everything, but somethings you can, and you should always prepare for certain events. The event may not be directed to you or even involve you in anyway, but you should always prepare for the worst kind of events so you know you need to do, but don’t let that intervene with you day to day life or your happiness. Have a plan for certain events like these. The plan doesn’t have to be complex, all you need to do is figure out what you should/can do in events like these and act accordingly to that plan.

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